Cement Based Rapid Drying Smoothing and Finishing Compound suitable to provide a smooth finish on various substrates in interior areas. Schönox SL can be installed as a true featheredge. Wear rated, cement based self-leveling compound and concrete topping designed for a variety of applications over existing concrete. Ideal for retail environments, restaurants, public buildings, entry ways, offices to warehouse or …
Announcing the New Concreteexchange.com
The new concreteexchange.com has just launched and WOW are we excited! The site hosts a huge collection of materials on concrete design, fabrication, products, and of course, how-to instructions for concrete countertops, furniture, and small beginner projects. We could drone on and on about all that is new at concreteexchange.com, but figured a quick tour would be more fun and effective. How-to Center …